Clyde River is a traditional Inuit community of approximately 1000 residents located on the shore of Baffin Island’s Patricia Bay, 70.4764° N, 68.6013° within the Qikiqtaaluk Region of Nunavut Canada. It lies in the Baffin Mountains, which in turn form part of the Arctic Cordillera mountain range. The community is served by air and by annual sealift supply.

Known as the “Gateway to the Fiords”, Clyde River is located on a flood plain, surrounded by spectacular fiords that stretch all the way into the Barnes Icecap. The mountains, icebergs and glaciers in the Clyde River area attract visitors from around the world. This unique landscape is complemented by extensive wildlife including whales, seals, polar bears, wolves and caribou. The community also provides access to the stunning Isabella Bay and the Ninginganiq National Wildlife Area, a Bowhead Whale Sanctuary.

70.4764° N, 68.6013°

Message Baffin Fisheries

Baffin Fisheries